Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Deja Vu

I think this has happened to us before....Yesterday, my new plan for my life was in full swing.  I have been setting my alarm to get up earlier than everyone else to excercise.  Yuck, I know.  I have done it for two whole days now. :o)  I am a nerd, but I decided the best way to accomplish all the lofty goals I have is to write them down.  So, I bought a notebook just for the occasion and before I go to bed, I write everything I need or want to accomplish for the next day in my trusty notebook.  So far, for two whole days, it has worked perfectly and I have checked everything off my list.  So, Stephen had just left for school and I was laying on the floor doing situps.  Pyper was sitting next to me on the floor eating a banana.  She tumbled over somehow from a sitting position and her head bumped into me.  It seemed like a harmless thing and I didn't think anything of it until she started screaming hysterically and wouldn't calm down.  I picked her up and she just wouldn't calm down.  She had a mouthful of banana and the rest clutched firmly in her hand.  I thought maybe she bumped her nose or something, but looked fine.  Then, I realized she wasn't moving her arm and would cry whenever I moved it.  I called Stephen after she had calmed some and would start whimpering at the slightest movement.  He came home and we headed to her doctor's office.  This entire time, she was clutching her banana and would scream if I tried to take it away.  She finally relinquished it at the doctor's office. They sent us to the Urgent Care in the same building which probably worked better since the Urgent Care waiting area was empty and the doctor's office was overflowing with people.  They made me sit her on a scale to weigh her which sent her into a fresh batch of hysterics.  She was fine as long as I was holding her and not moving her around at all.  The doctor finally came in and felt her arm a little, but it made her so hysterical that he decided she needed an x-ray.  I was surprised since I figured she just pulled out her elbow like Kensley used to do all the time.  So, then I worried there was something more serious going on.  I guess he was worried because of the trauma and said moving it around if something was broken could cause more damage.  The x-rays were traumatic to say the least.  It was pretty awful.  Of course, the doctor didn't see anything on the x-rays.  So, then he decided it was just nurse maid elbow, which is what I figured.  He came in and took her arm and had it popped back into place in half a second.  She was immediately better.  I really need to learn how to do this procedure!  The main reason he was concerned it was something else is because it usually happens when you grab your kid's arm and pull on them, like if you are in a hurry.  Since I told them she fell over I guess he thought it was something else.  I guess she fell just right!  I guess next time, because I am pretty sure there will be a next time with our track record, I should just start moving her elbow around even if she is screaming bloody murder until it pops back in itself.  More likely, I will probably just take her in again!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Look What I Did!!!!

I am so proud of myself, I can hardly stand it!  I watched a youtube video on how to make this and just followed along.  Usually, when I sew, my mom is standing behind me telling me what to do.  I did this all by myself (If you don't count the online directions :o) )

Monday, January 16, 2012


Kensley posing for the camera right before her very first soccer practice!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

When I Grow Up...

For as long as I can remember, Kensley has said that she wants to be a firefighter when she grows up.  She had a best friend in preschool who wanted to be a horserider so, for a brief time Kensley wanted to do that, too.  She eventually went back to being a firefighter.  The other day we were talking about it again and I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up.  She came back with her usual reply that she wants to be a firefighter.  This time, I asked her why she wanted to be a firefighter to which she replied, "Because I don't want a baby in my tummy!"  I wasn't expecting this response and I asked her why she didn't want a baby.  She said, "Because I don't want to go to the hospital!"  Poor Kensley.  I think Pyper's birth may have scarred her for life.  Whenever the subject comes up about whether or not we should have another baby, Kensley always yells that she doesn't want me to have a baby!  When I ask her why she always says, "I don't want you to go to the hospital again!"  I don't want to go to the hospital again, either!  So, how can I blame her?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Parent/Teacher Conference

I had Kensley's parent/teacher conference today and she is doing excellent as always.  Stephen went to the last one a few months ago and the teacher has nothing but good things to say about her.  She has 4's in every area, which is the highest.  The teacher also mentioned that the librarian doesn't give the kids grades, but always has wonderful things to say about Kensley. :o)  Kensley has always loved to learn and was born ready for school.  She loves Mondays when she brings home her homework packet.  The teacher is trying to find ways to challenge Kensley more since everything they do is so easy for her.  She is already working on the First Grade material and is advanced in her reading and writing.  She LOVES to read and is always asking what a word is and how it is pronounced.  Her teacher also said that she has tons of friends and that she was even friends with Alexis.  I don't know this girl personally, but have heard a lot about her throughout the year.   Kensley always tells me that she likes Alexis, but she doesn't like her choices!  I guess she would run around the room screaming and such things and was recently removed from the school.   Kensley loves to make friends.  Every day, when I pick her up from school, she has to walk by the bus line on the way to the car so she can yell out personal good-byes to everyone she knows.  She flips whenever she hears a hint that she might have to miss school for some reason.  I hope that she always keeps her love for learning and for people.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Movie Cuddling

Kensley and Pyper were watching "Winnie the Pooh" in their room tonight and decided to get comfortable.