Monday, May 4, 2009

Deja Vu

This past Saturday, Stephen and Kensley were playing upstairs in our bedroom and I was downstairs when suddenly Stephen was carrying Kensley downstairs screaming and crying. I knew immediately something was wrong. Stephen said that Kensley was climbing onto the bed when he pulled her up by the arm and heard a loud pop. Poor baby had her elbow pulled out of the socket, AGAIN. She was very upset to say the least and wouldn't let us anywhere near her arm. She just held it close to her body as still as possible. We were hoping we could get it to go back in on its own so we didn't have to go to the doctor, since it was Saturday and our insurance expired April 30. Ugh! I tried moving it around and she just became hysterical and we had no luck. After a little while we just decided to bite the bullet and take her to UrgentCare. Luckily, there was no one else in the waiting room when we got there, but it still took agonizingly long to get to the doctor because we had to fill out a bunch of paperwork. When we finally saw the doctor, he was really nice and it only took a few seconds for him to get her arm back in order. She was still nervous and wouldn't let us touch it because she wasn't convinced it was fixed. So, he left us in the exam room for a little while with a box of toys to see if she would start playing and eventually she did. It took a few minutes, but she was fine. The rest of the day she kept pointing to her elbow and saying "My arm is all better, the doctor fixed it!". We obviously need to be a lot more careful with her little arms. :o(

P.S. Happy 7th Anniversary to me and Stephen today! :o)


Robert said...

isnt that the way it always goes... car warranty expires and a week later it breaks down, insurance goes out and a week later you break your kid.. haha

Jordan + Amber + Camryn + Brighton said...

I'm so sorry! I know how bad it feels to know you caused your little one pain. :( Not fun. Glad to hear she went back to playing just fine though. I'm so afraid something like that will happen with Camryn. Gives me chills.