4:45 AM Pyper wakes up for a bottle. I am not complaining (too loudly) because she actually slept 8 hours! Woo Hoo! :o)
6:40 AM Stephen gets home from work and crawls into bed.
6:50 AM Kensley crawls into my bed and immediately starts kneading my hair as she goes back to sleep.
7:21 AM Pyper starts making awake noises and I start wondering if I can fit in a shower before she wakes up Stephen. After going back and forth for 5 minutes I realize it may be my only chance today and head for the shower.
7:43 AM I wake up Kensley. She usually has preschool at 12:15 PM, but because of parent/teacher conferences has school today at 8:15 AM, yuck!
7:44 AM Pyper starts yelling because we are ignoring her and she wants out of bed. I pick her up and she is soaking wet, again! I put her in Kensley's room while I get dressed and tell Kensley to hurry.
7:55 AM Get Pyper changed and dressed and help Kensley put shoes and socks on.
8:15 AM Right on time!
8:35 AM Feed Pyper some oatmeal while my stomach growls.
9:25 AM Just finished my breakfast of Captain Cruch cereal and fed Pyper a bottle...Confession: Formula has been killing us it is so expensive. So this week I started supplementing with whole milk even though she isn't a year old yet. I am hoping she will survive. She never really breastfed due to my not being able to nurse when she was born for two months. I pumped for 7 months and gave up. She did get some breast milk until she was 9 momths old.
Now I am treating myself to a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting. Darn, only one left...oh well, no one else is around to fight me for it!
9:30 AM I guess I should do some cleaning...Bleh! Right after I change that stinky diaper!
10:15 AM Dishwasher and washing machine going, stove and table cleaned off. Now I am clipping coupons.
10:30 AM Put Pyper down for a nap and slap some make up on my face. Then I relax on the couch with a book until 11:00 when I have to leave to pick Kensley up from preschool.
12:00 PM Parent/Teacher conference with Kensley's teacher where it is confirmed that I am an awesome mom. :o) Just Kidding. They did say Kensley is doing very well. She plays well with others and doesn't fight or use bad words (Phew!) She shares and follows the routine and eats her lunch really well. She is ready for Kindergarten! Another confession: I told Kensley to put her shoes on for the conference but she didn't want to go. Stephen is home, but in bed. In a moment of bad judgement, I decide to let her stay home. I feed her lunch, lock the doors and tell her to wake up Dad if she needs anything and don't open the door. I was only gone for 30 minutes at the most and came home to her crying hysterically. She had hurt her finger and it was bleeding. She said "I guess you shouldn't leave me alone again." Well said. Please don't call social services!
1:40 PM Coupon shopping at Fry's. Bummed because they were out of a couple things I had coupons for to get free! :o( I did walk away with 2 free tubes of toothpaste and free liquid hand wash.
2:30 PM Stephen wakes up a couple hours earlier than usual and takes a shower and does homework until he has to leave for work at 5PM. I feed Pyper Pear & Pineapple baby food and she slurps it up.
4:00 PM Pyper takes a second nap after another bottle. I make a lunch for Stephen to take to work and then feed him dinner, or give him dinner that he then feeds to himself. I eat chips and salsa and share with Kensley.
5:15 PM Make dinner for Kensley, a hot dog IN a bun with ketchup and mustard. Pyper wakes up and we cuddle until Kensley finishes her dinner. Then we pack Pyper into a stroller and Kensley on her new bike with training wheels for a walk. Oops! A training wheel falls off so we trek back to the house for her scooter and are off again.
6:30 PM Back from our walk. I'm hungry and eat leftover chicken pot pie while Kensley watches Little Mermaid in her room and Pyper pulls canned food out of my cupboards. Pyper gets sweet potato and turkey baby food and some peas.
7:30 PM Kensley finishes Little Mermaid with Pyper while I fold the laundry I did earlier. They are being good so I leave them to play.
8:06 PM Read Kensley a bedtime story and say prayers. Bring Pyper downstairs with me.
8:32 PM Put Pyper in pj's, feed her a bottle, and put her in bed.
9:29 PM I am ALONE and typing this post while I eat my secret stash of Dark Chocolate Pomegranate bites. So delicious!
Oh darn! Pyper is screaming her head off....guess my day isn't over yet! See ya later!
Love it! It made me think about stay at home moms. When asked about work, usually the answer is, "I don't work." Hah! We work, we just don't get a pay check or vacations! And we are grateful for our "job" (most days at least) :)
Love this post :o)
I love it. It's funny you post this, I was thinking the other day about how hard it's been with a new baby and what all I do around the house and how I don't get to eat my breakfast until 9 am or alittle later, when I get up at 6:30 every morning. I'm so glad that there are alot of women out there that we can relate to and we don't feel alone in the world.
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