Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Swimming Lessons

The dreaded swimming lesson season has arrived!  Kensley hates swimming lessons and after last year I had given up.  It was a nightmare to say the least.  I finally talked myself into another round of them for this summer.  Kensley cried for the first 3 days and then after that she did okay.  She still hates going under water and freaks whenever someone tries to get her to.  Stephen took her to most of the lessons, but now that he is the new Young Men's President, I had to take her on the night of mutual.  She was so excited to have me there and spent most of the time showing off for me.

The boy teaching her class was really good about making it fun and played games with them the whole time.  After the class, he told me she was his favorite, he even said this in front of the other mom's!  Hopefully they weren't paying attention!  He did say that the first 3 days weren't good, but after that she was a lot of fun.  Whew!  Glad that is over.  Now I have another year to work myself up for it again.  Some day she will learn to swim.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Her swimsuit is so loose on her.