Thursday, September 13, 2012

When A Mom Takes a Shower...

This is the sort of scenario she may find when she is done!
Notice that Pyper did start her graffiti on a piece of paper that you can see in the background.  Apparently, she ran out of room on the paper and had to improvise.

When I came downstairs to check on her, she immediately threw herself down on the floor, covered her face and refused to acknowledge me.  She knew she was a naughty girl!


Velika said...

I'm glad mine isn't the only one who does that!! :)
Good luck with Kensley's stomach stuff, I hope it all helps!

Tiffany Matthews said...

What is the deal it must be the week of coloring on everything if you are 3 and under. Cameron got a red sharpie and colored on Lindas WHITE couch. (why do they even sell white couches?) then he colored black sharpie on the walls and on some picture frames in the hall as well as gracies crib. Then he brought me the open sharpie sayin hear mom and then ran away. Thank goodness for the mr clean spounge thing.