Saturday, October 20, 2007

Bath Time

I apologize for the naked baby video, but I thought she was being really cute in her bath tonight and I couldn't resist. :o) Usually when I try to take video of her, she stops doing whatever she is doing and just tries to grab the camera. Since she was in the bathtub, she was distracted and couldn't get to the camera.

Signing Time

Kensley has been learning sign language from the videos "Signing Time". It is the only 30-minute brake I get in a day because she loves to watch them and doesn't care what I am doing when it is on. One of her favorite signs is "airplane" and whenever she hears or sees one flying by she gets excited and does the sign. This makes Stephen very proud. :o) She also loves to say and sign "go", "ball" and "dog". Almost every animal is a dog to her.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Rude Awakening

Two nights ago I put Kensley to bed just like normal. I was trying to be quiet and not wake her up, so I didn't latch the side of the crib properly. She woke up in the middle of the night, like she always does, and pulled herself up using the side of the crib that was not put up right. It collapsed and she flipped over the side and landed on the floor. She wasn't very happy to say the least. I did a quick once over to make sure she was all right and there were no bruises or bumps that I could see. So she has officially survived her first dive out of the crib!