Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Day of Preschool

Kensley had her first day of school on August 11. All summer she has been so excited to turn 4 and then go to school just like Daddy. However, the closer the actual day got, the less excited she became.
She dressed herself (I decided it matched well enough) and had to bring her backpack. Since she is in preschool, she doesn't really need a backpack, but she brings it everyday anyway. They have a place where she can hang it up when she walks in and then picks it up on her way out never using it or its contents.
This is how I left Kensley on her first day. :o( She was very sad and cried and cried not wanting me to leave. She cried the second day as well, but on the third day she just pouted. Now, she walks in without hardly saying goodbye. She has made a friend that she talks about all the time. Now she loves school and is having a good time, but the first day was brutal.