Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New Stats

Pyper had her 6-month doctor's appointment yesterday and it was confirmed that she is indeed a big girl. She is 16 lbs 10 oz and 26" long (although I think they measured her wrong) and her head was 42.5. That puts her in the 65th% in weight, 61% height and 53% for her head!!! I think she forgot she was a preemie! She has started eating big girl food and loves it. Her favorite is rice cereal and so far I have only given her vegetables. She has had peas, green beans, squash and carrots. At the first bite, she isn't too thrilled, but has warmed up to all the veggies and eats them with a lot of enthusiasm. She is going to be ecstatic when I move onto fruits.
Kensley has been taking swimming lessons and it has been AWFUL! I don't know what her deal is. I have put her in lessons every year, but this year has been quite traumatic. She is the kid screaming hysterically in the pool the whole time. I still make her go and lucky me I took her last night while Stephen was working. So, I had Pyper as well after her shots from her dr appt yesterday. Kensley didn't last 10 minutes into the lessons before she threw up in the pool! Then Pyper started screaming like I just gave her another shot. Then I had to pile everyone in the car to drive to Phoenix to pick Stephen up from work. It was a fun day!

1 comment:

sanpinney said...

Braden STILL cries during his whole swimming lesson. Today I told him he was going to be stuck in the same class until he turns 14 if he doesn't start swimming. He doesn't have to be the best swimmer, but he has to swim because it is a safety issue!