Friday, July 2, 2010

Swimming Lesson Drama

Kensley HATED swimming lessons. She loves to go swimming, but on her own terms. This usually means sitting on the steps splashing and giggling and coming home with her hair still dry. The first day of swimming lessons actually went fine, but got progressively worse. She would cry the entire ride to the pool and as we walked to the pool her cries would get louder and louder. One night she even made herself so upset she threw up in the pool. It was awful.

On the ride home. Needless to say, we are all happy that swimming lessons are over and Daddy and Mommy aren't up to another session just yet. So, for now, Kensley is getting a reprieve from the torture.

1 comment:

Jordan + Amber + Camryn + Brighton said...

I'm so sorry she had such a hard time with her lessons, but that face in the car is PRICELESS!!!
She's probably thinking something like: "Just TRY and get me to go back there.." ha ha
I feel bad she had such an awful experience!