Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I have been staying at my mom's house in Utah for a few weeks to try and escape the awful heat in Arizona. Last week we had a major storm that was very exciting and scary. I have never experienced something like this. First, the wind came sweeping through and you couldn't see anything. It made everything look white. Then tons of rain and hail and before we knew it trees were flying through the air! My mom's house is full of windows and we just knew some limbs would come crashing through the windows but somehow nothing did. We were very blessed that there wasn't more damage. A few dents and scratches on the cars, a broken gutter and a hole in the roof. And, of course, tree limbs all over the ground! It took 3 huge trailer loads to clear it off the ground with the help of a chainsaw and muscles.

1 comment:

Tiffany Matthews said...

That is super crazy. I love big storms like that. Not with kids cuz I think Ryan would have totally freaked out. Glad everyone and most everything was okay.