Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nine Months Old - Sept 11

Pyper just turned 9 months old! It is hard to believe that she is getting so big and is almost one! We had a dr appt today and it was pretty traumatic for her. They had to take some blood for the iron, lead test, etc. She started screaming before they even put the needle in. She hates dr appts and cries the second I put her down because she knows what is coming next. It is so sad. We spent some time later this afternoon cuddling on the couch while she recovered. She is back to her happy self now. She is 26.2 inches (18th percentile) and 18 lbs 8 oz (45th percentile) and her head is 44.75 cm (73rd percentile). So, basically, she is short with a gigantic head! :o)

Pyper has been crawling now for a couple months and is also pulling herself up to stand. She finally figured out how to get back down, she used to stand there screaming until someone helped her get down or she fell. She also started climbing the stairs a few weeks ago so up went the baby gate. She loves to open my cupboards and pull out soup cans. She can see her reflection in the oven window and in the dishwasher door and is often found sliming her reflection and babbling. So funny and so gross.

1 comment:

Jordan + Amber + Camryn + Brighton said...

Ha ha ha that is such a funny picture! Sliming her own reflection :) I love her pic of mauling the bear. He asked for it! :) She is such a cutie and glad to hear she is growing well and being such a happy little girl!