Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween

Show me some tail!
Kensley was soooo excited to be a horse! Thank you Aunt Sandi for letting us borrow the costume.

Halloween was almost a bust. Kensley ran into Lois's tailgate about a half hour before the ward trunk-or-treat party and busted her lip. She spent a lot of time crying on the couch with a wash rag stuck in her mouth. It took a lot of convincing to get her to take it out because she was convinced she was still bleeding. Once I started getting everyone in their costumes she finally came around and got excited to go. She was very excited for all the treats, but refused to look anyone in the eye or say trick or treat. She was a big scaredy cat all night long. When we got home she immediately took an inventory of all the candy. I can't wait until bedtime so I can sneak a few pieces!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

What cute girls!! I hope they had a blast :)