Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tooth Fairy Fun!

Kensley had a loose tooth for a few weeks that was bugging her.  Stephen tried to pull it out for her to no avail.  It was pretty tragic for Kensley and she wouldn't let him try again even though it was dangling from her mouth.  This past Sunday, we were sitting in Sacrament Meeting at Church listening while the Bishopric was being re-organized.  Right at the same moment we were sustaining our new Bishop, Kensley exclaimed that her tooth fell out!  She was so excited and we carried it around in a little baggy that was the earlier goldfish snack.

So, Sunday night also brought a first for me and Stephen as well as Kensley!  A visit from the tooth fairy for one of our kids!  Kensley had a lot of kids in her Kindergarten class last year lose teeth, so she is a little behind.  The tooth fairy left a dollar bill under her pillow and I woke up Monday morning listening to her singing, "tooth fairy, the tooth fairy, tooth fairy!"  over and over.

The note from the Tooth Fairy tells her not to forget to Brush and Floss!  She was very excited about her dollar, but kept telling me that her friend in school got $3 for her tooth so she should have, too.  I said, no, you only get $1 from the tooth fairy so her parents must have given her the other $2!  Then, Kensley says she should get $6 since she is 6 years old!  I told her that was not happening, but even with all the negotiating for more cash, she was still happy and couldn't stop posing for the camera.

On a side note, this same friend who received more money than her is the same friend that introduced Kensley to "msg" and now she is obsessed!  She won't drink chocolate milk at school anymore because her friend said their was "msg" in it and it is bad for you!  Everytime we eat, Kensley wants to know if there is msg in it.  So annoying!

1 comment:

Tiffany Matthews said...

HOly cow that kid must have a rich tooth fairy $3.00 a tooth. That would have killed the tooth fairy that comes to our house since Ryan lost 4 in a week. MSG really I think I only found out about that 10 years ago. The stuff these kids learn now days.