Friday, October 24, 2008

I Am Woman!

I have had a very productive and busy last few days this week. Not the norm for me. Usually life is pretty laid back and uneventful for me and Kensley. I have been nonstop for two days straight and my body is absolutely rebelling and begging me to stop. One major reason for the business has been that I had my own personal food storage party. I put the portable canner on hold a few weeks ago so I could can some things and finally got the call that it was my turn to pick it up. So, my first major accomplishment was going to the home storage center and picking up the canner along with 100 cans, lids and oxygen absorber. Some of you may be thinking that isn't a major accomplishment, but for me it is, and especially when you consider that there are certain members of my family who will remain un-named who would never ever event attempt such a thing saying it is "just too hard". I barely got it all stuffed in my car, along with me and Kensley. Just my luck, Kensley is taking a hiatus from her naps so I haven't had any time to do this without her present. My next accomplishment was unloading my car all by myself...the food storage guy loaded my car for me...and I carried the BEAST as I like to call the canner all by myself into the house. That sucker is heavy! I almost killed myself doing it and almost dropped it along the way. I also forgot to ask them how to use the darn thing so it took awhile to figure it out and understand the directions. I am a dork, I know. I then proceeded to can 400 lbs of wheat, 50 lbs of flour, and 50 lbs of sugar ALL BY MYSELF. I couldn't figure out how to "securely fasten" the beast to my table per the instructions so I had to push my knee against it while pushing the button with my left hand and pulling and pushing the lever with my right. I have a permanent indention in my thumb from pushing the button. I finally finished tonight and the finished product is featured below. I am really tired and have nowhere to put all the goods since I live in this microscopic townhome that won't sell in this blasted economy. So, right now the decision is to leave it in the middle of the floor until Stephen gets home next month and can move it himself! I am through being Wonder Woman for the moment.

P.S. Another exciting thing is I went to Fry's today and spent $34 and saved $81.56! I am seriously considering framing the receipt. It makes me very happy.


sanpinney said...

That is AWESOME!! I'm so proud. Were you able to can everything?

Robert said...

you guys are sure going full throttle with this food storage business... have you all had visions of the end lol

Hannah said...

Hi- I found your blog when I was googling food storage and yours came up since you mention it.

Anyway, that is SO awesome that you did all that!! Congrats! You must feel so good to have it all in your house now.

If you ever need any food storage tips, or recipes using all that wheat, feel free to check out our blog!

Good luck!
Hannah @

Jordan + Amber + Camryn + Brighton said...

I would like to say that I am part of the 'un-named family memebers here'. I always said, "that sounds kinda rough and a little hard to do." And I always put it off.. You kind of make me wanna do it now. Fry's HAS been having amazing sales, and I've been spending less on my groceries, so why not build up that storage!
Maybe you can help me when and if I decide to put the canner on hold..