Monday, January 26, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

1. When I was younger, around elementary school age, I loved balancing my mom's checkbook. Now I enjoy balancing mine, especially if there is money in it! I have been known to go through my entire checkbook to re-calculate if I find that I am even one penny off!
2. I have a huge crazy sock collection that began around high school. No white or normal looking socks are anywhere near my sock drawer!
3. I like to type and when I was young I would practice in my mom's typing books. Now I have a habit of typing anything I hear or read in my head. Weird, I know. Guess that is why most of my jobs have involved typing!
4. I love, love, love to travel and have been all over the states (my goal is to visit all of them) and I have also been to England, Wales, Scotland, Paris, Belgium, Ireland and Italy twice. The first trip to Italy we lost our first three days worth of pictures so we had to go back a second time to re-take them!
5. I have a twin sister and I have a total of 5 brothers and 5 sisters. I lost count of all my nieces and nephews...I think it is around 33 give or take.
6. My entire high school career revolved around tp wars with my friends, we once were tp'd five times in one night and who knows how many times other than that! We have even had pizza boxes all over the lawn, forks stuck in the lawn, and fireworks. One group even scattered dead fish all over and one (you know who you are!) snuck in my room while I was sleeping and put a dead fish under my pillow!
7. I can't tell you how many times my name has been written in a police officer's notebook, but no charges yet! It all started at my 12th birthday slumber party and a ride in the back of a police car...lets just say some friends were never allowed to come to our house again!
8. Me and my roommates were known around the dorm as thieves starting from the first week. We stole everything from stools in the bathroom to ice cream sandwiches at a ward activity. We once stole a shopping cart from Wal-mart because we didn't want to carry all our bags home. We would give each other rides in it down the hall until our RA ratted us out to the campus police. When they came to investigate, it was parked with the bikes on the bike rack.
9. I have turned into the crazy coupon lady with the stack of coupons at the grocery store. I can't pass up a great deal and even end up getting some things for free! I could live for weeks, if not months, off what is stashed under my bed!
10. I have kissed the Blarney Stone and therefore, have the gift of eloquence...according to our tour guide, if you don't want to kiss the Blarney Stone or can't make it to Ireland, then you can kiss someone who has kissed it to obtain this gift!
11. My grandpa used to take us out to water and feed his horses when we were younger and then would let us drive his old pickup around in circles. He would sit in the passenger seat with the door ajar and one leg out, ready to bail! Thanks for the confidence!
12. In elementary school, my mom once came and took us out of class to make us go home and clean our rooms!
13. My mom used to come to school to surprise us and take us out of class to go to the beach. Redemption for making us clean our rooms!
14. We were almost arrested for hopping the wall at the Las Vegas Temple. If the gates are closed, I don't recommend trying to get a better look!
15. I love to read and watch tv. I don't know how I survived before DVR!
16. I like to scrapbook, but never do it. I have an entire room filled with scrapbooking supplies. Some day...
17. My Grandpa gave us powder blue moon boots for Christmas in Junior High and we sported them all the way through college. We were the envy of Rexburg!
18. I love ice cream, one of my favorite flavors is double chocolate brownie secret favorite is coffee flavor...shhh don't tell! I love cold stone creamery and always get coffee ice cream with the snickers mixed in. Heaven!
19. Like Sandi, I was also one of the members of my family who pulled up a chair to the buffet table at parties instead of going through the line with a small plate. Why bother? We love food!
20. I am the proud owner of an ORANGE Kitchenaid Mixer! And an Orange Ford Escape, an orange cell phone and orange dishes....sensing a trend?? It is my current favorite color.
21. I have been married for over six years (anniversary may 4) and we have lived in separate continents for about half of it.
22. I have always hated being compared to my sisters. I loved growing up with them and we have had so much fun, but it always made me self-conscious. When they got married and I moved to Arizona by myself it was the first time I made friends who only knew me and didn't know me as one of the "Owens Girls".
23. I love nap-time, especially long naps. I save all my cookies and treats for when Kensley is sleeping so I don't have to give her any! I recently found out that my mom used to do that to us when we were younger! So rude! She has also admitted to pilfering our Halloween candy while we slept!
24. I have no exciting talents (unless you count typing really fast) and I wish I could play the piano, sing, or draw.
25. My first car was an 81 (I think) Ford Courier pickup that got me through elementary school, junior high, high school, college, and my first job after college. We have had many adventures in ol' Jezebal and may she rest in peace.

The End.

1 comment:

MerriLynn said...

Hey, it was fun reading these random things about you! I learned a lot!