Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Father's Day started with breakfast in bed for Stephen. I made Breakfast Taquitos with Lime-Chipotle Dip. I have been wanting to try them and thought this would be the perfect opportunity. I thought they turned out really yummy, but don't really know how everyone else felt. Stephen said they were good, but I highly doubt he would tell me if he didn't like them. Kensley ate the two I put on her plate without complaint so I am assuming she liked them. So I didn't have to get up at the crack of dawn, I actually made them a couple of days earlier and froze them so all I had to do was put them in the oven when I woke up. Me and the kids stormed in the bedroom in the morning to bring him his food and new Cubs pajama pants. I am not sure how much he enjoyed the getting woke up part, but it had to be done! I think this meal would be a nice thing to have on hand in the freezer. I just mixed up the dip while they were cooking.
After church, we had raspberry chipotle pork loin, mashed potatoes and corn for dinner. For dessert I made Chocolate Mousse Crunch Cake. This was also a recipe I have been wanting to try and it was a hit not to mention pretty impressive-looking. I am not a big fan of cake mix cake from a box, but thanks to the chocolate mousse filling and chocolate ganache topping, it was a winner! Next time I will doctor the cake mix up a little so it is yummier with chocolate pudding, sour cream and/or butter instead of vegetable oil.
I love how Kensley is looking at Stephen in this picture.
I think Pyper really enjoyed all the yummy treats!
We have Church from 11-2PM and that is right at naptime. We were getting ready to walk out the door for Church and Pyper laid down for a rest.
We crammed Pyper in this dress for Church today one last time. It was a dress that Kensley also wore and I wanted a picture of her in it. Of course, I didn't get any great pictures, but at least I have proof she wore it!

1 comment:

sanpinney said...

That dress was from Liz. Her twins wore it too, and of course, Sienna.