Sunday, September 4, 2011

Bonding Moments

I went to Curriculum Night at Kensley's school a few nights ago and her teacher told us about a website they would be using in the classroom.  I opened it up one day and Kensley has been glued to the computer ever since.  It is basically a site that teaches them how to read and she LOVES it.  Pyper always wants to do everything Kensley does so she loves it as well.  It only works until Pyper starts banging on the keyboard and messes it up!  This is a moment where it was working.  Kensley loved singing the songs with Pyper.  As a slightly embarrassing sidenote:  I went to Curriculum Night with my shirt inside out!  Total horror when I realized it.  I had not been feeling well and took some aspirin and laid down in my bed for about an hour beforehand.  I woke up and put my shirt on while still groggy and the lights out and headed to the school.  I really wish Stephen was more observant and had warned me before I left!

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