Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So, we made another trip to Vernal the other day so my mom could meet my Aunt Carol for a temple session. Rather than drive two cars into town, we went in together and me and Kensley had a few hours to kill before they were done. There isn't a whole lot of things to do in Vernal, but we managed to fill the time for the most part. We made a trip to the D.I. to drop things off, a grocery shopping trip to Wal-mart and a quick stop at Smith's for the dwindling supplies of the case lot sale. We also went to the park where there was a spirited paint ball tournament going on. Kensley had a fun time swinging and going down the slide. The fun ended when another rotten child threw dirt in her face and it was in her eyebrows and down her shirt. After my mom and aunt were done with their temple session, we ate lunch and dropped Aunt Carol off at the Senior bus that would take her back to Rangely. Kensley was worn out and fell asleep immediately on our drive back to Lapoint. She of course woke up upon arrival and refused to go back to sleep. So, she took another 20-min nap and was done. I was trying to get her to lay back down to no avail. Suddenly she decides to go lay in her bed all by herself and goes in the room and shuts the door. All is quiet and I am thinking I should check on her, but and secretly hoping she is falling asleep so I choose not to. I should have known better. A couple minutes later she is knocking on the door for me to let her out of the room and this is what I find. She has gotten into my makeup and has mascara all over her hands and face and all over the tube. The wand is now so mis-shapen and rendered practically useless.


sanpinney said...

Kensley looks soo cute in that dress!

sanpinney said...

Ohhh, I forgot to say, you should be thankful it was mascara all over and not poop, because that's what always happened to me!