Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Nothing New Really

Just an update on our lives for the last couple weeks...I am still traveling. After spending two weeks at my mom's house in Lapoint, Utah, we drove to Cedar City for 4 days to visit my brother and his family. Kensley was good at first and then she set in to terrorizing her cousin, Ian, who is 18 months old. She would chase him and push him just to get a reaction. It was very frustrating. We then drove to Las Vegas for a few days to spend some time visiting with my life long friend, Debbie, and with Stephen's parents. Kensley spent her spare time terrorizing Debbie's little girl. We then drove to Lancaster, Calif. (my hometown) for our 2nd family food storage extravaganza. Kensley terrorized whoever crossed her path and we canned lots of food for our food storage. I am well on my way to my year supply and it feels great! The first night we got there, Kensley was eating some oreo cookies, and yep! you guessed it! She puked all over the place. Everyone will thank me for not taking pictures this time. I was told by several people that they didn't appreciate me documenting the last time in photos. So, no pictures, but it was equally gross and no fun. Kensley has always been a good eater and hardly ever chokes or throws up so I don't know what the deal is, but I am not enjoying this new trend. I have had enough throw-up experience to last a lifetime. We are now in Sacramento staying with my sister, Sandi, and her family and will be here for a few more days and then will be heading home, finally. One fun thing that happened in Lancaster, Kensley was throwing a fit because I took a pen away from her. I picked her up and she leaned down and clamped her teeth into my shoulder, breaking the skin and drawing blood! I am ashamed to say that she got a smack on the face for that one. It was a reaction to the pain she caused me and happened before I knew what happened. It is starting to heal, but was all swollen and painful for a few days. Oh, the joys of the terrible twos!

1 comment:

stephanie beals said...

Im sad to hear you were in Vegas, and I didnt get to see you guys. Let me know next time for sure!!